~Dungeon Master II Axe Giant & Compass Help. ~Trying to get through the axe giant area without meeting strong ~resistance has become quite a hassle. The party is getting ~wealthy collecting and selling the axes but I'd like to get on ~with the game. Enough of them have been killed to populate a ~small city but they keep coming back. Is this a loop or does the ~game eventually run out of giants? Sorry, they keep regenerating. However, it's a good place to build experience, which is what you need if you want to gain enough levels to walk through here without looking over your shoulder constantly. ~One other thing. In this game, has anybody experienced a compass ~that is 180 degrees out of phase on east-west headings? Both of the ~ones I have used have showed the same malfunction. This is an accurate compass, not an arrow that points in the direction you are facing, as in other RPG and adventure games. Think about it that way and you will understand.